

Namespace: XRay

Operations on channels.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
client(ch clientSpanName enc dec f)
Signature: ch:Channel -> clientSpanName:string -> enc:Enc<'i,('a * TraceContext)> -> dec:Dec<'o,('b * TraceContext)> -> f:('i -> Async<'o>) -> Span -> 'a -> Async<'b>
Type parameters: 'i, 'a, 'o, 'b
completeClient(ch span)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> Span

Completes a client operation.

completeClientDecode(ch span dec o)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> dec:Dec<'o,('b * TraceContext)> -> o:'o -> 'b * TraceContext
Type parameters: 'o, 'b

Completes an invocation of a client operation. Decodes a channel output into a domain-specific output. Throws an exception if decoding fails.

completeServer(ch span)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> Span

Completes a server operation.

completeServerEncode(ch span enc b)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> enc:Enc<'o,('b * TraceContext)> -> b:'b -> 'o
Type parameters: 'o, 'b

Completes a server operation.

errorClient(ch span error)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> error:string -> Span

Errors a client operation.

errorServer(ch span error)
Signature: ch:Channel -> span:Span -> error:string -> Span

Error a server operation.

serverCodec(ch spanName dec enc f)
Signature: ch:Channel -> spanName:string -> dec:Dec<'i,('a * TraceContext)> -> enc:Enc<'o,('b * TraceContext)> -> f:(Span -> 'a -> Async<'b>) -> 'i -> Async<'o>
Type parameters: 'i, 'a, 'o, 'b
startClient(ch clientSpanName op)
Signature: ch:Channel -> clientSpanName:string -> op:Span -> Span

Starts a client operation.

Signature: ch:Channel -> clientSpanName:string -> span:Span -> enc:Enc<'i,('a * TraceContext)> -> a:'a -> Span * 'i
Type parameters: 'i, 'a

Starts a client invocation operation. Encodes a domain-specific input 'a along with the trace into a channel-specific input 'i.

startServer(ch spanName trace)
Signature: ch:Channel -> spanName:string -> trace:TraceContext -> Span

Starts a server operation within a trace.

startServerDecode(ch spanName dec i)
Signature: ch:Channel -> spanName:string -> dec:Dec<'i,('a * TraceContext)> -> i:'i -> 'a * Span
Type parameters: 'i, 'a

Starts a server operation. Decodes a channel input into a domain-specific input. Throws an exception if decoding fails.

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