Signature: embeddedFieldName:string -> ctxDec:Dec<'JsonValue,'c> -> dec:Dec<'JsonValue,'a> -> Dec<'JsonValue,('a * 'c)>
Type parameters: 'a
Decoder that embeds lenient context trace decoder,
i.e., the one which may generate new traces in case of absence in the original message
Signature: ctxCodec:Codec<'JsonValue,'?8094> -> codec:Codec<'JsonValue,'?8095> -> Codec<'JsonValue,('?8095 * '?8094)>
Type parameters: '?8095
Signature: embeddedFieldName:string -> ctxCodec:Codec<'JsonValue,'c> -> codec:Codec<'JsonValue,'a> -> Codec<'JsonValue,('a * 'c)>
Type parameters: 'a
Creates a lenient JsonValue codec by embedding data into a field of the JsonValue record.
Context codec must be able to parse nulls, empty or invalid JSON objects, returning some valid TraceContext
Signature: embeddedFieldName:string -> ctxCodec:Codec<'JsonValue,'c> -> codec:Codec<'JsonValue,'a> -> Codec<'JsonValue,('a * 'c)>
Type parameters: 'a
Creates a strong JsonValue codec by embedding data into a field of the JsonValue record.
Signature: embeddedFieldName:string -> ctxDec:Dec<'JsonValue,'c> -> dec:Dec<'JsonValue,'a> -> Dec<'JsonValue,('a * 'c)>
Type parameters: 'a
Signature: ctxCodec:Codec<'JsonValue,'?8090> -> codec:Codec<'JsonValue,'?8091> -> Codec<'JsonValue,('?8091 * '?8090)>
Type parameters: '?8091
Creates a strong JsonValue codec by embedding data into the JsonValue record.
This can be used to carry a TraceContext.
Signature: embeddedFieldName:string -> ctxEnc:Enc<'JsonValue,'c> -> enc:Enc<'JsonValue,'a> -> Enc<'JsonValue,('a * 'c)>
Type parameters: 'a