

Namespace: XRay

Operations on publish-subscribe channels.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
complete(ch cop)
Signature: ch:PubClient<'m,'a> -> cop:Span -> Span
Type parameters: 'm, 'a

Completes a client operation to produce a message. A telemetry event is emitted indicating the completion of the client operation.

error(ch cop error)
Signature: ch:PubClient<'m,'a> -> cop:Span -> error:string -> Span
Type parameters: 'm, 'a

Indicates that a client operation errored.

producer(ch clientOpName f)
Signature: ch:PubClient<'m,'a> -> clientOpName:string -> f:('m -> Async<'r>) -> Span -> 'a -> Async<'r>
Type parameters: 'm, 'a, 'r
start(ch op clientOpName a)
Signature: ch:PubClient<'m,'a> -> op:Span -> clientOpName:string -> a:'a -> Span * 'm
Type parameters: 'm, 'a

Starts a client operation to produce a message in the context of the specified operation. The trace is injected into the specified client request using a carrier.

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